The health and safety of our employees are among the highest priorities for Almesan adopting the principle of “human first and occupational safety first in all operations”. We are precisely working to ensure a safe and healthy working environment in our business. We continue our work with an understanding that prioritizes the importance to occupational health and safety for everyone affected by our activities, including suppliers and subcontractors.
The basics of our OH&S policies are as follows:
– In order to achieve the goal of zero work accident and occupational disease, risks will be determined and evaluated with the participation of employees, and these risks will be eliminated and/or reduced to an acceptable level.
– Together with our employees, our suppliers, relevant institutions and organizations and the public will be pioneered on Occupational Health and Safety issues.
– By preparing emergency plans, we will be prepared to protect the environment and environmental health, even in all kinds of emergencies, including natural disasters.
– All process data related to environment, occupational health and safety, energy efficiency, information security, social responsibility specified in the Almesan Management System together with the outputs of the quality management process will be considered as the factors determining investment decisions. While making new plant, production line, process or material usage decisions, their effects on all processes will be evaluated in advance.
– All activities of Almesan will comply with all relevant laws, legislation and regulations, especially the framework determined in the Constitution of the Republic of Türkiye.
Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) processes at Almesan are carried out by the OH&S unit and the workplace doctor, by closely following the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331 and legal regulations as well as the legal regulations applied in international standards.
Integrated Certification Audits, covering ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 Standards, have been successfully completed at Istanbul and Kocaeli locations. We have been entitled to receive our new certificate within the scope of the ISO 45001:2018 standard superseded OHSAS 18001:2007 standard. By new ISO 45001 standard, articles of, management’s leadership, management of risks and opportunities that will affect the management system, considering the expectations of employees and related parties, ensuring their participation and consultation, OH&S risks of contractors and management of changes, take fore.
Risk assessments are carried out in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment Regulation, ISO 45001 and ISO 31000 requirements. The hazards of all activities in our company are determined and the risk levels of these hazards are determined and preventive/corrective action plans are prepared. Identified risks are shared with our employees to raise awareness. We enable our employees to report risks and take precautions with the Near Miss Form.
Ambientic measurements are made in order to evaluate the health risks in our business. Necessary precautions are taken through the measurement results and studies are carried out for a safer and healthier work environment. In order to protect the health of our employees, private health insurance was put into operation as of the end of 2020. Chronic patients, pregnant and lactating workers are followed and necessary precautions are taken during risky periods. We keep the higher awareness level in the point of health and safety connected with the health services provided by our workplace doctor.
Our OH & S performance is followed by the number of accidents, the number of occupational diseases, the number of work-related fatalities, absenteeism due to accidents and certain OH&S rates. Our OH&S performances are evaluated at monthly OH&S and periodic management review meetings.
For the readiness to natural disasters and epidemics, the relevant procedures, action plans, instructions and risk analyzes are constantly updated to monitor and prevent risks.
Almesan production activities are classified as dangerous work. In this direction, our company carries the safety of its working areas forward day by day and acts with the target of zero accident.
Almesan Alüminyum has not experienced any occupational disease or death related to work since the establishment.
Almesan supports its employees with the practice and training programs it has developed to increase awareness on OHS. We inform our employees about all risks through the Occupational Health and Safety Handbook, the Management Systems Handbook and the trainings organized.
Employees are given “Occupational Health and Safety Training” before starting work, taking into account issues such as lack of knowledge about the work they do or will do, insufficient existing knowledge, change of workplace or job, change of work equipment and new technology applications.
In the trainings, care is taken to select the subjects that the trainees need. The training given to the employees is selected from the following and similar topics;
– General occupational health and safety rules
– Information on legal legislation,
– Legal rights and responsibilities of employees,
– Establishing a safe environment and safe working principles in the workplace,
– Cleanliness and order,
– Thermal comfort conditions,
– Risks arising from chemical, physical and biological substances,
– Causes of work accidents and occupational diseases and risks in the workplace,
– Principles of prevention from work accident and occupational disease,
– Ergonomics and work psychology,
– Manual lifting and transport
– Flash, explosion, fire and fire protection,
– Safe use of work equipment,
– Working with screened equipment,
– Electrical hazards, risks and precautions,
– Use of personal protective equipment (PPE),
– Warning notices and signs,
– First aid, rescue etc.
– Harms and passive exposure of tobacco and tobacco products
In order to prevent disasters and reduce their damage, disaster management at Almesan Alüminyum is continued as a multi-faceted and multi-disciplinary management process that is implemented effectively with the precautions to be taken before, during and after the disaster.
In disaster and emergency management, contemporary safety management practices and national and international safety norms are based on the Regulation on Emergencies in the Workplace, Emergency Management Procedure and Emergency Plan.
The practices and plans to be implemented against all extraordinary conditions and disasters such as fire, energy and water cuts, work accidents, earthquakes, floods, terrorism and sabotage were determined in advance, and team and equipment preparations were made according to these scenarios.
National and international standards are taken as reference in the trainings carried out to improve the emergency protection and response systems and to increase the competence of the teams.
Almesan conducts exercises in compliance with the relevant laws in order to strengthen its preparedness for disasters and emergencies. Fire, disaster plan and environmental spill drills are carried out in order to minimize the risks that may occur in emergency situations and to intervene. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the drills were held with minimal staff participation and taking necessary precautions. The performance of the exercises is evaluated and the actions determined after the meeting are followed up.